iOS 8.3 update brings new emojis and fixes to iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch

So many new emojis!

Apple has released iOS 8.3 for the iPhone, iPad and iPod touch, a much needed update for anyone who has been experiencing the rage inducing bugs. 8.3 should target the issue that kept screens from rotating or from freezing on one rotation, the lack of saving login info for WiFi and fix other general issues.

In addition to all the changes and fixe, iOS 8.3 also adds plenty of new emojis for those of you who enjoy expressing yourself in adorable little pictures.

You can see a detailed overview of what iOS fixes and brings with it on Apple's site, but here's a brief overview of some of the important things:

New emojis

  • Over 300 emoji's have been added with skin tone options, previously iOS emoji's didn'y represent certain ethnicities. This update fixes that for the most part. The update also brings same-sex relationship emojis, gadgets (iPhone 6 and Apple Watch), and 32 country flags.

WiFi/Bluetooth fixes:

  • You will no longer have to input your login credentials continuously and the phone should no longer intermittently disconnect from WiFi. Hands-free phone calls shouldn't randomly disconnect anymore and Bluetooth speaker connection should be more stable.

Rotation fixes:

  • There should be more stability when rotating between portrait and landscape mode, meaning you shouldn't be stuck on landscape or portrait anymore. Apps should now rotate correctly and the iPhone 6 Plus won't appear to be upside down (if that occasionally happened to you).

Message fixes:

  • You now have the ability to report junk messages and filter messages directly from iMessage. Also, Group messages shouldn't split anymore.

CarPlay fixes:

  • Maps will no longer be a black screen (good, that means you're not living in a black abyss). The keyboard should not longer appear on the CarPlay screen when it shouldn't and the UI won't be incorrectly rotated.
