After many if's, maybe's, and but's the Iron Banner event is returning to Destiny: The Taken King after its scheduled downtime later today.
Bungie wasn't sure about if they would be able to get the Iron Banner to return this week or not but now, a week after its initial cancelation, the Iron Banner event is returning to Destiny after today's scheduled maintenance downtime.
According to Bungie's tweet they still have some work to do before Iron Banner can starts, which isn't surprising since it was some issues with PVP matchmaking which cause the Iron Banner event to get canceled in the first place. The downtime for Destiny will be from 8am PDT to 2pm PDT, after that eager Guardians should be able to jump into the Iron Banner to get some sweet loot, or just a bunch of mediocre green and blue engrams.
Iron Banner will wait for you, Guardians. We have work to do before it can begin.
— Bungie (@Bungie) 27 juni 2016
For Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3 players this will be one of the last chances to play in the Iron Banner event since Bungie will abandon "legacy concole" players by August, the Xbox 360 and Playstation 3 players won't be getting the next expansion, Rise of Iron either. "Legacy console" players better play while they still have an up-to-date copy of Destiny.