Is Nintendo Planning a Fall Media Summit?

GoNintendo has posted a small bit that is sure to get Nintendo fans excited; Nintendo may be holding a fall media summit. This wouldn’t be unusual as they’ve been known to do so in the past (two years ago they announced Punch-Out!! Wii during the Oct. 2nd event). They received the tip from a reader who spoke with a Nintendo representative at his local GameStop Store. Keep in mind that Nintendo does hire regional reps whose job is to set up Nintendo kiosks at stores and help with minor troubleshooting in their area. They are employees of Nintendo of America, not GameStop. Being that the reader is an active member of the GoNintendo community, and that Nintendo has held such events in the past, the rumor is not hard to believe:

I was at the Dragon Quest IX GameStop Tag Mode event today and the local Nintendo rep showed up to give out some goodies and help assist players in downloading their event map. I got to talking with the guy and I was able to grill him on a lot of things. The most interesting bit of info he shared with me was that Nintendo already has their Fall Conference lined up. The date and location are already set, they have just yet to formally make an announcement. He also teased me by saying there is still a lot of things the general public doesnt know about the 3DS. So more surprises coming soon in that regard.

If true, this may be when Nintendo announces a price and release date for the 3DS. This also falls in line with the announcement that Nintendo would announce the price of the 3DS on September 29th.

via GoNintendo