Jack Tretton Calls Out Nintendo

Sony doesn’t know when to stop. President of Sony Computer Entertainment America Jack Tretton recently called out Nintendo on their big announcement of Wii U. In an interview with Forbes, Tretton said the following about Nintendo’s upcoming console:

“I think there’s ground to be carved out for everybody. But I didn’t see anything about Nintendo’s announcement that said, ‘Oh, we’d better get working on rolling out a new PlayStation here pretty soon. Our attitude is kind of ‘welcome to the party.’ If you’re looking at being a multimedia entertainment device, if you’re looking at high def gaming, that was 2006 for us.”

This was said in response to the question of when Sony would start talking about a Playstation 4. Tretton could have only mentioned Sony’s plans and not Nintendo’s. Instead he took a shot at Nintendo and their new system, insisting that Nintendo is still behind them in innovation and technology. Last time I checked, Nintendo didn’t fall victim to a series of attacks by hackers. Bashing the Wii U isn’t going to save face, Mr. Tretton.

All he did was come off as cocky and desperate when he said that the PS3 is better. Sony can do better than that.