January 2017 Games with Gold titles revealed for Xbox One, 360

So, this is how we are starting the year?

After announcing the pretty killer lineup for December's Games with Gold, there were high expectations for January 2017's lineup. Now that we know what is coming next week, we can go ahead and make our decision on whether the lineup is lackluster or awesome. 

It appears as though Microsoft ended 2016 with a bang, making Sleeping Dogs, Burnout Paradise, and Outlast free and is starting 2017 with some interesting choices. January will see some side-scrollers hit the Xbox One and 360 via backward compatibility, as well as a fighting game and action RPG on Xbox One.

Games with Gold titles are available to any Xbox owner that subscribes to Xbox LIVE Gold. It should be noted that all Xbox 360 games downloaded through the program are yours forever, even if your subscription lapses. Xbox One games, on the other hand, will not be available if your subscription ends.

Check out the games below!

Xbox One:

  • World of Van Helsing: Deathtrap (1/1/17 – 1/31/17)
  • Killer Instinct Season 2 Ultra Edition (1/16/17 – 2/15/17)

Xbox 360:

  • The Cave (1/1/17 – 1/15/17)
  • Rayman Origins (1/16/17 – 1/31/17)