Over the past week, countless rumors have pointed towards a Nintendo Direct taking place later this month on January 11th. Nintendo has yet to confirm this date, however, there have been plenty of rumors around what Nintendo will be showing off.
Most of the rumors include similar items like an Animal Crossing announcement, a Mario game, mention of the Nintendo Switch Virtual Console, and something about Mother3. None of the news is confirmed and very much a rumor. Take all items should be taken with a grain of salt.
If you want to go the 4chan route, there are two rumors.
- Luigi’s Mansion 3 confirmed
- Metroid Prime 4 trailer shown. Holiday 2018 release. Optional Prime 3 controls.Â
- Star Fox Zero re-release with optional motion controls and additional content
Tokyo Mirage Sessions Port - Fire Emblem Switch shown. The theme of this game is ‘Family.’ Takes place over three generations and deals with the rise and fall of a small upstart kingdom trying to establish independence against a mighty empire. The subtitle is a mystery for now.Â
- Fallout 4 Port confirmed
- Wonderful 101 port confirmed. No new content.
- Bayonetta 3 trailer shown. It involves Bayonetta going up against another Witch. Not much to say about her other than the fact that her outfit is purple.Â
- Mario Sports: A strange compilation title. It’s basically five Mario sports games in one package. A new Mario Strikers by NLG, a new Mario Tennis, Mario Golf and Tennis by Camelot, and Mario Baseball. Small content updates will be released regularly post-launch to keep things fresh, but details are vague.Â
Here’s the other:
- Begins with Fe and Hollow Knight release dates, February 23rd
- Yoshi will release May 4th, called Tale of Two Knitties
- Kirby releases March 2nd to keep with Switch anniversary
- Fire Emblem Direct in April
- Mario Maker in development, will permanently replace traditional 2D Mario games
- Xenoblade Chronicles X and Donkey Kong: Tropical Freeze ports round up the Wii U ports on the system
- Pikmin 4 is coming but will be talked about more at E3. Is a significantly smaller game, think original Pikmin. eShop only.
- Pokemon and Online will be talked about later in the year, expected to be advertised hand in hand with each other
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2 DLC is an alternate universe story mode where Shulk became the god and is a mini-campaign where you have to take him down. Priced at $20, post-E3 release.
- Every Mighty Switch Force game launches for Switch January 11th
- Hotline Miami collection gets a physical release, date unknown
- Ruiner coming in the summer, presumably with Hotline Miami
- No More Heroes: Travis Strikes Again trailer shown. Shantae and Snipperclips make the other 2 indies that appear in the game. Coming in September, but an exact date isn’t revealed.
- All first-party titles from GameBoy-GameBoy Advance will in be the Switch Virtual Console library from January to June MOTHER3 excluded
- South Park games coming to Switch packaged like Bayonetta 1+2
- Wolfenstein 2 coming June 6th. Has all DLC.
- Direct ends with an Animal Crossing teaser. July 27th release.
The Reddit rumor, which is based on a previous rumor and from the same source, includes a number of details on non-Nintendo specific rumblings. You can find the Nintendo related details paraphrased below and further details at the prior link:
- “The Switch’s Virtual Console not being like how it currently is known to be like, as there’s some kind of a subscription service of sorts in the works, and how online and rewards will work now too being part of that Direct.”
- Metroid Prime 4 will have “some presence” at the Direct.
- Pokemon for Nintendo Switch might be present.
- New Wario heading to 3DS
- GTA V Switch port coming Q3. Red Dead Redemption port also planned.
- Hearthstone for Nintendo Switch in development.
- Injustice 2 port in development.
- Dragon Ball FighterZ in development for Switch, to release in Q3/Q4 2018.
- Call of Duty for Switch in development.
- Undertale for Switch announcement coming during January Direct.
- Mother 3 has a “realistic chance” of releasing next year.
- Animal Crossing to release next year. Should appear in January Direct.
- Dragon Quest XI “should” appear during the January Direct.