Jimmy Fallon unleashes the dog in Call of Duty: Ghosts

Video Game Week hosted by Late Night with Jimmy Fallon is quickly coming to a close, but it wouldn't nearly be complete without one of the industry's staple titles making an appearance — Call of Duty: Ghosts. Infinity Ward executive producer Mark Rubin stopped by the set to show off the latest entry in Activision's highly successful franchise and, of course, Fallon looked like an idiot while playing.

As most tend to do when they first see Call of Duty: Ghosts, Fallon immediately became obsessed with the dog, Riley. Silly comments aside, the gameplay demo actually showcased some pretty neat things your canine sidekick can do — explore areas with the pup-cam on his back, viciously kill terrorists, and perform, and inverted breaches where the dog actually jumps through a side window and forces the enemies outside where you can easily lay waste.

Call of Duty: Ghosts is due out November 5 on Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. It is also a launch title for the Xbox One and PS4.