Jimmy Kimmel deceives random folk with an iPod Touch saying it’s the new Mini

If you are reading this, most likely you are at least a little tech savvy.  Most likely you are able to discern the difference from an iPad, an iPad Mini, and an iPod Touch.  For instance… they are different sizes.  But what if you weren’t tech savvy and couldn’t tell the difference between the multiple Apple products?

On Jimmy Kimmel Live, he asked random folk on the street what they thought about the comparisons of the iPad and the iPad Mini.  Since the mini isn’t out yet, he used an iPod Touch instead – it is quite mini compared to the iPad after all.  The people shown didn’t know they were being deceived and comedy ensued. 

What did this teach us?  Are the minute differences between Apple products that disheartening?  Did these people just not care about Apple products?  Are we stupid?  Should I call Bam Bam at Yahoo.com?  Regardless, this amuses me thus I’m sharing it.  Out there, I’m sure there will be people who will own all three devices.

*EDIT* Removed all the derp iPhone Touch text and changed to iPod Touch.  Thanks darling commenters.  More coffee.  Looks like I'd fail on the street as well. 

[YouTube via Gizmodo]

Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ