The Marvel Cinematic Universe is quite the star-studded affair with big names like Samuel L. Jackson, Michael Keaton, Anthony Hopkins, Robert Downey Jr., and many, many others all part of the massive franchise of superhero flicks. The universe is about to grow even larger with 2019's Captain Marvel which already boasts Academy Award-winner Brie Larson, Ben Mendelsohn, and now Jude Law.
The English actor known for a plethora of films such as the Sherlock Holmes series has landed a deal with Marvel to star in the Marvel film set pre-Iron Man but after Captain America: The First Avenger. Law will play Dr. Walter Lawson AKA Mar-Vell for you Marvel comic readers, the character will take on a mentor role for Carol Danvers (played by Brie Larson) as she attempts to gain control of her powers.
Captain Marvel is scheduled to hit theaters in 2019 but many expect her to show up in some capacity in Avengers: Infinity War in May 2018.