Jurassic World 2 will be a “very different kind of film” says first film’s director

Could the series be going back to its roots?

Jurassic World released last year and absolutely dominated the box office raking in over 1.5 BILLION dollars despite some very average reviews. Audiences really enjoyed the film even though it did away with the realistic animatronic dinosaurs the original film is known for and replaced them with mostly CG creatures and had a bit of a tonal shift. Some hardcore fans were slightly annoyed that the film did away with some of the things that made the original so great but Colin Trevorrow, director of the first film and the upcoming Star Wars Episode IX, makes it sound like the sequel will be more true to the series.

Speaking on the Jurassic Outpost podcast, "It will be more suspenseful and scary," Trevorrow said. "It's just the way it's designed; it's the way the story plays out. I knew I wanted [Juan Antonio] Bayona to direct it long before anyone ever heard that was a possibility, so the whole thing was just built around his skill set.”

Trevorrow stated that the sequel won't necessarily be "bigger" like some sequels try to be. "I don't think that bigger, better dinosaurs or bigger, more epic-in-scope action sequences are what people are necessarily looking for from this franchise and what they love about it,"

In 2015, he also stated on the Jurassic Cast podcast that the film will not jump in scale but a starting point for a much larger story about the relationship between animals and humans.

"It will get to be a different kind of film," he said. "The audience has given us permission to a certain extent to take this to the next level, and I don't necessarily mean in scale, I feel very strongly that it's not about more dinosaurs or bigger and better dinosaurs, it's about using this as a starting point for a much larger story about our relationship with these animals.

"Jurassic World was very much made with the fans in mind, and I'm not going to forget it, but now we've seen a lot of 'dinosaurs chasing people around on an island' movies. I think you guys and also the general audience is going to be down to explore where else we can go."

Are you happy that the series won't exactly follow the same formula as Jurassic World? Let us know in the comments below!

Jurassic World 2 will be the second film in the Jurassic World trilogy and will release on June 22nd, 2018 and Trevorrow's Star Wars Episode IX will drop in 2019.
