Justin Roiland, co-creator of ‘Rick and Morty’, launches VR gaming company, Squanchtendo

"Hey, I'm squanchin' in here!"


Co-creator of Adult Swim's Rick and Morty, Justin Roiland, has launched a new VR gaming company called 'Squanchtendo'.

Most would recognize Justin Roiland as, not only one of the creators of the outlandish animated series, 'Rick and Morty', but also as the voice actor for both of the titular characters. What most probably didn't know is that he is also an avid gamer and has high hopes for the future of the burgeoning virtual reality gaming industry. At this year's San Diego Comic Con, he unveiled the first ever playable demo of the upcoming VR game, 'Rick and Morty Simulator: Virtual Rick-Ality', releasing on the HTC Vive.

Now, it seems that in order to continue to provide the public with not just Rick and Morty based content, but some new and original gaming experiences, Roiland, along with his parter in crime, Tanya Watson (formerly of Epic Games), have launched "Squanchtendo". Affectionally named after Rick's furry old war buddy, Squanchy, the company plans to release a whole line of fun, interactive VR games, no matter what your taste or temperment may be.

We want to make stuff that people love. Games that we want to play ourselves. Experiences that we would like to be totally immersed in and enjoy for hours at a time, as well as shorter, crazier experiences that would be great to play with a group of friends or possibly with stray homeless people that you invited in so you could feed and bathe them. So come join us. Be a part of Squanchtendo Games. Make games with us! or start saving your pennies up so you can purchase them when they come out. We hope you love them as much as we do.

Any upcoming game titles have yet to be announced, but if you want to stay up to date with what's to come, check back with GameZone, or poke around Squanchtendo's official site.