Katamari Amore Rolling Onto iPhone, iPad Next Week

iOS devices will be getting their second Katamari game next week. Titled Katamari Amore, Namco Bandai’s upcoming ball-rolling, clutter-clustering mobile game will give gamers all of the engaging and addictive gameplay the Katamari series is known for right in the palm of their hands.

The game will feature 24 separate missions, which should be enough to keep gamers busy for some time. And considering the fact that this a mobile game (and a Katamari game), there’s bound to be some sort of free play mode. Namco Bandai also confirmed that Katamari Amore would be getting DLC down the road. And if that wasn’t enough, there’s even going to be a Pac-Man-themed level.

Gamers will be able to choose their preferred type of control method. I would say the optional tilt controls and virtual pad make this a better candidate for the iPad. After all, the darn iPhone screen is so much smaller compared to its tablet brother.

Katamari Amore will be available for download on September 29. Namco Bandai is releasing a free lite version of the game, but if you want everything this title has to offer, you’re going to have to shell out a measly $3.99 for the full version. Watch out for Katamari Amore next week.

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