#killallzombies merges zombie killing with social mechanics

The aptly named #killallzombies, which will be coming to the PlayStation 4 first, is a social driven zombie killing title. Mechanics wise, it's a straight up twin stick shooter, where players will have to fend off hundreds of zombies on screen coming from all sides. The social mechanics are what make this game sound a lot more interesting.

Viewers who are watching the player on either the PS4 or Twitch, can periodically vote on various outcomes in three distinct manners. Every 80 seconds, viewers can affect encounter options for the player, such as spawning enemies, time bonuses and perks. The second is a perk select screen which has its own voting mechanic. The player can opt to wait for viewers to vote on a perk, and if the most voted one selected, the player then gets an additional bonus. Lastly, viewers will also be able to use chat commands, to affect the player in real time, such as affecting the player's health, or spawning enemies.

No exact release date was given, however, Alexey Menshikov from Beatshapers has stated that they expect the game to launch next month.
