Kinect turns 1 and Announces Kinect for Windows

Happy birthday Kinect!   For your birthday your fans sold 10 million copies of you.  No cake though, it was a lie for the start.  Sorry.  In the first 60 days alone, Microsoft sold 8 million and sold another 2 million in the following 10 months.

For Kinect’s birthday, Microsoft got it a new video they call ‘The Kinect Effect.’  To quote Microsoft, “Something amazing has happened,” it proclaims. “The world has started to think of things we hadn’t even thought of.  Unexpected things.  Helpful things.  Beautiful things.  Inspired things. Which is why even though the world keeps asking us what we’re going to do with Kinect next, we’re just as excited to ask the world the same thing.”

So here is the meat and potatoes, Microsoft is marketing to make the Kinect bigger in UK.  Through use of advertising during high media times, like ITV’s X-Factor, Microsoft plans on selling more Kinect units.  Early next year, Microsoft plans on releasing commercials to advertise the Kinect for Windows – the next stage of the Kinect’s evolution.  The camera and operations for the Kinect will be applied to not only gaming but to the ‘real world’ as well.  The video is below.