Kojima: Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Edition will not be released on Xbox 360

Xbox 360 Metal Gear Solid fans have been eagerly waiting for the release of the Metal Gear Solid: Legacy Edition, but according to creator Hideo Kojima, fans will have to desperately hope that the collection comes to the next-generation Xbox console, because it’s not making a presence on the 360.

"I'm sorry to say an Xbox 360 version isn't being released, because an Xbox 360 version of MGS4 hasn't gone on sale," Kojima told Kotaku. "To explain the situation, the amount of data in MGS4 is just too enormous."

"When it's the next console, maybe we can release it," added Kojima. "If we released a version on the Xbox 360 without MGS4, then it's not the Legacy Collection."


According to Kojima, if their team brought Metal Gear Solid 4 on the Xbox 360, it would take seven – yes, seven – discs to hold all the data, as we’re all quite aware that Microsoft’s console uses DVD’s instead of Blu-Ray. However, reports continue to circulate that the next-generation Xbox will include a Blu-Ray player, which would inevitably solve this problem.

Until then, Xbox 360 players will have to be content on playing the other Metal Gear Solid’s, or go cry in a corner until the “Xbox 720” is released this fall. Your choice.

Source: [Kotaku