Konami puts an expiration date on MB Coins in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain

Including those purchased with real-life money. Currently only in Japan.

Konami is back to being everyone's favorite company and doing exactly what they do best — the exact opposite of what people want. This time, the major game publisher is putting an expiration date on the MB Coin currency in Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain, regardless of whether or not you spent real-life money on the coins.

Currently, this expiration date is limited to the Japanese Steam (PC) version of the game, but there's no telling whether or not Konami will expand the reach of the expiration.

According to a notice from Konami, MB Coins in the Japanese Steam version of The Phantom pain will only be "valid for a six-month period, regardless of whether they were purchased or received for free in-game." Konami went on to state that the validity period on all MB Coins were reset as of today.

Moral of the story, Konami has put an expiration date of items that can be purchased through microtransactions.
