Latest Xbox LIVE activity charts reveal success for Poker Night 2, God Mode

Earlier today, Larry Hyrb, Xbox LIVE’s “Major Nelson,” released this week’s LIVE activity charts, and debuting quite well is TellTale Games’ Poker Night 2 and God Mode.

Poker Night 2 climbed all the way up to the number two spot, falling short of the XBLA powerhouse, Minecraft: XBLA Edition. God Mode, on the hand, came out of nowhere and debuted at the six spot behind titles like Terraria, BattleBlock Theatre and From Dust. Rounding out the top ten arcade titles are Plants vs. Zombies, Trials Evolution, Castle Crashers (will it ever go away?) and Peggle.

If you’re interested in seeing the top LIVE, Indie Games, or Windows charts, you can do so by clicking here.

Interested in Poker Night 2, God Mode, or perhaps the latest XBLA game, Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon? Take a glance at the latest XBLA Corner hosted by myself where I give you a quick rundown if each title is worth your Microsoft Points.

Source: [Major Nelson]