Latest Multiplayer Videos
from Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
Check out the latest gameplay videos from
Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow that show a sneak peak of the multiplayer
As a Shadownet spy:
The infiltration shows how to coordinate your
approach of an objective with a fellow spy. It displays the Spies athletic
capabilities and use of some gadgets.
Mainly it shows the potential of interacting
through the headset when playing online to develop strategies.
All the classical "Fisher" moves are here
(pipe hanging, zip line, grids climbing, grab…)
All the classical "Fisher" gadgets are here
(thermo/night vision, sticky cam…)
New spies features: laser sight on the gun,
hang upside down on pipes, back-flip drop, flash bang, chaff grenade
As an Argus mercenary:
The video shows how mercenaries can
coordinate their defense of an area against intruders.
It shows their specific gadgets: wall mines,
phosphorescent grenade (to mark enemies), EMF vision (electro magnetic field),
Motion tracking vision, as well as flashlight and the laser tag (enemy spotted
appears on both mercenaries’ radar)
Specific fire power and moves (M160 assault
riffle, grenade launcher, snipe, charge)
This is just a taste of what you can expect
from the multiplayer gameplay of SCPT.
Tom Clancy’s Splinter Cell Pandora Tomorrow
is scheduled to ship in late March.