League of Legend’s Diana has one of the fastest jungle clears (video)

Last night on the public test server, one of GameZone’s correspondents was testing out the new League of Legends champion Diana’s jungle clear times.  In a coop game, Snebiken full cleared (level 4) without a leash at the 3:35 time stamp.  This ranks among some of the fastest jungle clears time – comparable with champions like Udyr (phoenix), Skarner, Shyvana, Olaf, Shaco, Nocturne, Lee Sin, and Mundo.  She still isn’t the ‘fastest’ though. 

Not only is she fast though, she never got close to death.  By starting with her shield, Pale Cascade, she can absorb and deal impressive damage to neutral mobs.  Diana’s passive, Moonsilver Blade, giver her massive attack speed and a cleave attack every third attack.  With the correct positioning and by attacking the correct mob, the jungle creeps go down fast.   

After leaning this information, playing her, and watching her champion spotlight – I expect this champion to be VERY popular in Summoner’s Rift.  The junglers in GameZone have already bought her can’t wait to rock her later tonight.  Her ability set is pretty amazing.  With a Rylai’s Crystal Scepter, I see it being near impossible to escape her. 

Dat burst.  Watch the jungle clear video below.  Even MORE below that are the runes and materies used in the video.  Happy sun hating!

Diana Runes

Diana Masteries

Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ