League of Legends introduces end of game gifting

'Tis the season of giving

With the holidays upon us, and everyone feeling all warm and gushy inside, Riot Games has picked the perfect opportunity to implement a new end of game gifting system in League of Legends.

For the times when saying "GG" just isn't enough, you can now gift mystery skins, mystery champions, or the skin for a champion just played to random strangers you've just played a game with. Players don't have to be on your friends list for you to send a game, and you can send gifts to players on both teams. There are some restrictions: you must be level 15 to send, level 5 to receive, and can only send or receive up to five gifts each day. Prices are also the same as in the store.

"Whether you want to acknowledge a friendly player on the enemy team or reward a teammate who earned their first Pentakill, you can show your appreciation with a gift at the end of the game!"

I'm really interested to see how many actually utilize this feature. The League of Legends community is often criticized for its toxic player base. What better way to encourage good behavior than with a system that could potentially reward you with free gifts? But would anyone actually do this? Guess we'll see. 'Tis the season of giving, after all.

[League Of Legends]