League of Legends’ Nidalee gets a visual upgrade and retro Champion Spotlight

Alright League of Legends players, we’ve all gone against that impossible to kill Nidalee before.  You know that one; just as you’re about to kill her she just cougar forms away and then you lose half your health from a spear out of nowhere once you think she’s gone.  That’s just Nidalee being Nidalee. 

The Bestial Huntress got a makeover updating her look, animations, model, and effects.  After watching her Champion Spotlight video I have to say, she’s looking good now.  Her model is less boxy, her animations are much more smooth, and over all she’s just much more impressive to watch.  On top of all that, her two skins shown in the video look stunning as well.  Kudos Riot.

As expected, Nidalee’s Champion Spotlight shows off some killer moves, play styles, builds, and of course pro tips.  She is by far one of the hardest champions to chase down if not the HARDEST champion to chase down.  Those spears just come out of nowhere – nightmarish.   

Enjoy the video below!       


Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ