League of Legends patch 4.20 released and detailed

League of Legends gets one of its biggest updates to date

Riot Games has released one of the biggest updates for League of Legends to date with patch 4.20. Keeping true to the theme of hte 2015, much of the patch seems to emphasize "strategic diversity," offering players more paths to victory so that the in-game decisions matter just as much as the champion selections.

"This year, rather than trying to 'fix' tactical problems from the previous season, we're instead introducing a metric tonne of changes to map-wide objectives, a complete rehaul of the jungle and jungle itemization, and a number of strategic item additions / modifications. With these new paths in place, how you strive for victory will vary with each individual game and our hope is that all of this adds up to more far more strategic diversity and experimentation in League," Riot says.

Most of the changes in update 4.20 were talked about in our post about the 2015 preseason (which you can read about here). Although they are included in the official patch notes below, you can find some more in-depth stats and changes in that post.


Stats Gained Per Level

HOW DID WE ARRIVE AT 168%" All champions have had their base stats raised by 168% of their old per-level statistic (except attack speed)

  • Level 1: Immediately gain 0% of your growth statistic. All of your 'base stats' will be calculated off of this
  • Level 2: Gain +72% of your growth statistic

  • Level 3: Gain +75.5% of your growth statistic

  • Level 4: Gain +79% of your growth statistic

  • … Gain +((Level*3.5 – 7) + 72)% of your growth statistic

  • Level 18: Gain +128% of your growth statistic

NO SUCH THING AS LOSS AVERSION All ranged champions (and Kayle / Jayce) have opted out of having their attack damage increased by 2 via the above +168% base stat buff

STATISTICAL RENAMING "Per level" statistics have been renamed "growth" statistics to better reflect what's going on – see below for more information

STATS GAINED PER LEVEL No longer linear. Instead, stats follow the following formula:

TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ At level 18, you've gained +1700% of your growth statistic (this is slightly more than the old formula)

Champion Mana Regeneration Changes

  • The following mages / tank supports are being changed to have 6 base mana regeneration (mp5) and +0.8 mana regeneration (mp5) growth stat:

    • Ahri, Alistar, Anivia, Annie, Azir, Blitzcrank, Braum, Cassiopeia, Diana, Elise, Fiddlesticks, Fizz, Galio, Gragas, Heimerdinger, Jayce, Karma, Karthus, Kassadin, Kayle, LeBlanc, Leona, Lulu, Lux, Malzahar, Morgana, Nidalee, Orianna, Ryze, Swain, Syndra, Taric, Thresh, Twisted Fate, Veigar, Vel'koz, Viktor, Xerath, Ziggs, Zilean, Zyra

  • The following traditional supports are being changed to have 9 base mana regeneration (mp5) and +0.4 mana regeneration (mp5) growth stat:

    • Janna, Nami, Sona, Soraka

Kalista added to the game.


Q – Conquering Sands

BASE MAGICAL DAMAGE 60/90/120/150/180 ⇒ 75/105/135/165/195

W – Arise!

RATIO 0.7 ability power ⇒ 0.6 ability power (for both the stab and turret damage)

E – Shifting Sands

BASE SHIELD AMOUNT 60/100/140/180/220 ⇒ 80/120/160/200/240



Passive – Rage Gene

MINI GNAR MOVEMENT SPEED +10-25 (9 + (+1 per level from 1-14 / +0.5 per level at 15-18)) ⇒ +10-30 (9 + (+1 per level from 1-15 / +2 per level at 16-18))

MINI GNAR ATTACK SPEED Due to the 2015 preseason changes to base stats, Mini Gnar's attack speed bonus has been folded into his base attack speed and converted to a growth stat. Mini Gnar now has an attack speed growth stat of 6. This should have no functional impact on Gnar.

THIS GETS COMPLICATED With the 2015 preseason changes to base stats, Mega Gnar had some of his bonuses shifted around so he wouldn't break the system. In addition to reverting Mega Gnar's bonuses into base growth stats, we've done two things to affect Mega Gnar – his early attack damage and health are lower in the early game, but higher at later levels. The math behind this change (especially as it converts from per-level stats to growth stats) gets very complicated, but the raw difference is that, at level 1, Mega Gnar will lose about 30 health and 4 attack damage compared to he would have had. Mega Gnar's new growth stats are listed below:






Q – Boomerang Throw

BOOMERANG DAMAGE 10/45/80/115/150 (+1.0 total attack damage) ⇒5/35/65/95/125 (+1.15 total attack damage)


Q – Boulder Toss

BOULDER DAMAGE 10/50/90/130/170 (+1.15 total attack damage) ⇒5/45/85/125/165 (+1.2 total attack damage)

W – Hyper

BASE DAMAGE 25/30/35/40/45 ⇒ 10/20/30/40/50

MAX MAGIC DAMAGE VERSUS MONSTERS 75/125/175/225/275 ⇒100/150/200/250/300

W – Wallop

COOLDOWN 12/11/10/9/8 seconds ⇒ 15/13/11/9/7 seconds

Though 4.20 sees tweaks to a lot of champions, below are just the most noteworthy changes. For the full list of champion tweaks, visit the official patch notes here.

Global Changes to Summoner's Rift

Early Game Kill & Assist Bonuses
KILL GOLD 75% of base reward for 2 minutes, scaling up to 100% at 4 minutes ⇒100% value at all times
ASSIST BONUS 50% of kill reward ⇒25% of kill reward until 90 seconds, then increasing by roughly 0.2% per second for 210 seconds to 50% of kill reward at 5 minutes
Fountain Regeneration
FOUNTAIN HEALING RATE 8.5% of maximum health and mana per 1 second ⇒2.1% of maximum health and mana per 0.25 seconds
Death Timers
COMPLICATED MATH BEHIND THIS Death timers now start scaling with time at 25 minutes⇒35 minutes
TIME SCALES FOR EVERYONE Death timers now scale up at 2% every minute to a cap of 150% at 50 minutes ⇒2% every 30 seconds to a cap of 150% at 47:30
For changes to map objectives, the jungle, and items, check out our 2015 preseason overview.