Riot Games has given us a sneak peek at the newest champion coming to League of Legends – Darius, the Hand of the Noxus.
If he sounds familiar, it's because he was mentioned in the latest Journal of Justice as vying for the new role as the new Grand General of Noxus.
Only Darius, one of Noxus's most respected and feared Generals, has earned as much of a following within High Command as Keiran Darkwill. Many predicted the two would inevitably clash and that the victor would rise to the throne. Upon Jericho Swain's return, General Darius forged an immediate alliance with the famed Master Tactician.
"Strength was once the very backbone of Noxus," General Darius told High Command, “yet we have become plagued by weakness. In Jericho Swain I see a man with the power to cull the weak from Noxus and unite us under one banner—and united we shall conquer once again."
The background description goes right along with Riot's sneak peek of Darius who has "repeatedly employed the foolproof method of lopping his boss' head off" to secure his own advancement.
Riot didn't talk at all about Darius' abilities, but judging from the teaser image, he looks like a tanky, AD bruiser. He reminds me a lot of Garen.