Leaked photos from Suicide Squad set reveal Will Smith as Deadshot and… Batman!?

You're not fooling me Ben! I see your ears!

Almost as if in direct corroboration with the rumor of Ben Affleck appearing as Batman in Suicide Squad, Ben Affleck has been spotted on the set of Suicide Squad. Affleck is sporting his Batman costume, but is covered by a blanket (you can still see his little Bat ears).

Also spotted on set was Will Smith dressed as the DC villain, Deadshot. Little has been said on Smith's role or the film in general and when questioned on the subject, Smith has made threats:

I'd have to kill you. It's top secret but it's really good, though. It's great stuff, fantastic. I'm already in shape for it, I'm already training.

Suicide Squad is set to release August 5, 2016.

Will Smith as Deadshot

Will Smith Deadshot Suicide Squad

Ben Affleck hiding on the Suicide Squad set

Batman Suicide Squad Ben Affleck

You can see little Batman ear/horns from his mask protruding from under his cover, also, Batman pants.
