Leaked Resident Evil 6 trailer reveals October 2nd release date

It looks like the release date for Resident Evil 6 has been pushed up a month.  A trailer entitled 'Captivate' was leaked this morning revealing a new October 2nd worldwide release date for Resident Evil 6 instead of the originally-promised November 20th date.

If true, the early release date could help the survival horror sequel avoid a release date synonymous with blockbuster games like Assassin's Creed III, BioShock Infinite, Black Ops 2, and Medal of Honor.

Check out the video below, but beware of spoilers.  The trailer delves a little more into the story behind Resident Evil 6 with a heavy emphasis on narrative and character.

The trailer looks intense, especially the standoff between Leon Kennedy and Chris Redfield, but did you happen to notice not one zombie made an appearance in the entire video? 

Despite the lack of zombie killing, the game still looks like a good deal of fun as it's laden with Resident Evil drama and action-packed sequences.