Leaked Star Wars: The Force Awakens toys reveal new character and much more

Original trilogy versions of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader also spotted

Star Wars Assault Walker


Star Wars Elite Speeder Bike

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Darth Vader

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Kylo Ren

Star Wars The Force AWakens - Flametrooper

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Finn Jakku

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Luke Skywalker young

Star Wars The Force Awakens - Captain Phasma

Disney, Lucasfilm, and director J.J. Abrams are doing their best to keep Star Wars: The Force Awakens a surprise, but like the dinosaurs in Jurassic Park, life finds a way — especially when it comes to one of the most anticipated (if not the most) movies of the year.

Weeks ahead of "Force Friday" (September 4), the day Disney plans to officially unveil the first wave of Force Awakens-themed merchandise, Hasbros new line of action figures have leaked online, revealing a brand new character named Constable Zuvio. There's no actual action figure of the new character, but judging by his photo on the back of one of the toy cards, he looks pretty villainous. Other characters that look to have toy figurines include Kylo Ren, Finn (in his Jakku outfit), a First Order Flametrooper, and Captain Phasma.

There also looks to be an original trilogy version of Luke Skywalker, though his actual figure wasn't revealed. There was also no mention of other original trilogy characters, or The Force Awakens versions of any of the original characters. It's likely that Disney and Lucasfilm are keeping their new look a mystery until the film hits theaters on December 18th, though we did get a sneak peek at Mark Hamill as Luke Skywalker courtesy of a leaked photo. Interestingly, it looks like there will also be a Darth Vader figure as well.

Two new vehicles were also revealed through the line of toys (Assault Walker and Elite Speeder Bike), although it doesn't look like they'll appear in the new film as there is no mention of The Force Awakens on the box. 

Check out the leaked Star Wars figures below. It looks like the figures will be part of smaller individual sets that help create a separate droid.

Star Wars The Force AWakens Figures - Constable Zuvio