LeBron James’ powder toss is back thanks to NBA 2K14

Following the launch of NBA 2K14, cover athlete and NBA superstar LeBron James took to Instagram to announce he will be bringing back the iconic powder toss. For those unfamiliar, the "powder toss" was a pre-game ritual in which James would walk over to the announcer's table, rub powder in his hands, and then toss it into the air as a spectacle for fans.

He tabled the ritual during the 2010-2011 playoffs, but vowed it would make a return. It took a while, but it seems it is coming back.

Whether or not his appearance on the cover of NBA 2K14 had anything to do with his decision is a mystery, but it would certainly seem to have some influence. James is shown on the cover of NBA 2K14 in his signature powder toss pose so it would seem like now is the perfect time to bring it back.

And perhaps as some sort of marketing ploy, James made the announcement with an image of the game's cover along with the hashtag: "PoderTossComingBackToAnArenaNearYou."

Thank you, NBA 2K14.