Let It Die is now available, free-to-play on PS4

After a 2-year wait, we can finally play it

Let It Die has quietly hung around since being revealed at Sony's E3 2014 presser, but for the longest time, it's been a predominantly quiet development cycle. For a designer like Suda 51, who has worked on such games as Killer 7 and No More Heroes, "quiet" would be one of the last adjectives you would ever associate with a game like Let It Die. But here it is, finally, after two years of not a whole lot of coverage, Let It Die now available as a Free-to-Play game on the PS4.

The announcement came at Sony's PlayStation Experience this past weekend as somewhat of a surprise, alongside an all new trailer (embedded above). It was previously announced that the game would arrive sometime in 2016, but after so many months without any mention most had likely assumed that Let It Die was quietly pushed into 2017.

But, fortunately, that's not the case. You can download Let It Die right now from the PSN Store.

Source: [YouTube]