Play Free Realms for the life of the game and never worry about a lapse in membership again! For a limited time only, the family-friendly virtual world is offering lifetime memberships. From Friday, July 16 at 12p.m. PDT through Monday, August 2, 12 p.m. PDT, players can purchase a lifetime membership for only $29.99. For current monthly subscribers who wish to take advantage of this promotion, the lifetime membership would activate once their current membership term is complete. Play a wide variety of completely integrated minigames, pick up a quest, decorate your house or explore the terrain on the back of your T-Rex Ride, without ever worrying about membership dues again!
To ensure there is always something new and exciting for players to do, Free Realms is implementing daily activities. Available to all players, these daily activities always yield a reward. In “Rob Robbie,” the first of the daily activities, players who login and complete the quest for six days in a row will earn a more valuable prize on their seventh login. More daily activities will be added soon!
Lifetime memberships will only be available Friday, July 16 at 12p.m. PDT through Monday, August 2, 12 p.m. PDT. Accounts must be maintained in good standing and SOE does not ensure continuous or error-free access, use or availability of any game content, feature, gameplay or server and may change, modify, disable, suspend, or remove any such content, feature, gameplay or server at its sole discretion. Daily activities are now live.