This girl, I swear. She’s winning my fictitious “favorite video game covers” award hands down. Lindsey Stirling is the “hip hop violinist” who is extremely talented when it comes to both music and dance; somehow at the same time. Apparently I can add ‘voice’ to that list too after watching her newest video.
This time she’s in Assassin’s Creed III garb and playing her variation of the Assassin’s Creed score. The music, dance, voice, scenery, and even action are quite the spectacle to watch and listen to. I certainly hope she continuous making video game covers. What better way to celebrate the release of Assassin’s Creed III than with this video?
If you’ve missed Lindsey’s Skyrim, Zelda, or even Game of Thrones covers… you’ve done a discredit to both yourself and humanity. Watch them all, right now.
Historian, teacher, writer, gamer, cheat master, and tech guru: follow on Twitter @AndrewC_GZ