Give people the ability to create in a game and they will recreate other games in that game. It's not that they don't like the game that allows creation, they just want another game in that game — you know what I mean?
We have heard about people creating fully functional 1KB Hard Drives and re-creating the Silent Hills demo P.T. in Minecraft, but what about Project Spark, the other game that allows players to build and create things?
People have recreated a ton of games in Project Spark during its Beta – anything from Portal to Slender. The most recent recreation is LittleBigPlanet, it's somewhat disturbing – but they did a damn good job. You might be wondering, 'Tatiana, what's so disturbing about it?' It might just be the hair, the googly eyes or the way they all turn around and face the screen at :51s.
Have you gotten your hands on Project Spark yet? Show us what you create (or the recreations you like)!
Catch me on Twitter @TatiMo_GZ