Lost Odyssey available for free on Xbox One, 360 for a limited time

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Xbox Live Gold members are used to getting free games each month, but as a Christmas surprise they are getting another free game besides the usual Games With Gold!

Today, Major Nelson announced that two backwards-compatible titles, Lost Odyssey and Blue Dragon can now be bought on the online store and that Lost Odyssey can be downloaded for free until December 31.

Lost Odyssey was written by the creator of Final Fantasy, Hironobu Sakaguchi, and tells the tale of Kaim, a man who ahs been alive for over one thousand years but can't remember his past and of how he fights to remember. It also tells the tale of the magic-industrial revolution that is happening in his world.

Anyhow, this JRPG can be downloaded for free on Xbox One and Xbox 360 until December 31.