Marc Whitten details Xbox One party chat, gamertags and games

Continuing their “Ask Microsoft Anything About Xbox One” weekly feature with Chief Xbox One Platform Architect Marc Whitten, IGN has uncovered a few more interesting details pertaining to Microsoft’s next-generation console.

Minor confirmations from this week’s feature included that Xbox LIVE gamertags will not be able to be any longer, that Kinect 2.0’s cable is 3 meters long, and that players can stream demos as they’re being downloaded in their entirety.

However, below you can find the three major questions that Whitten answered regarding party chat and the news that there will be no more Xbox LIVE Arcade:

Q: Can developers still lock Party Chat in multiplayer games?

A: Game developers don’t have control over the party chat channel. However, they do know if a player is specifically in a party chat channel versus game chat.

Q: With the upgraded audio codec for chat, is 8 people still the maximum for Party Chat?

A: We are looking at higher limits on party size. It will be at least 8 people chatting at a time. We may either increase the number of people that can be chatting at once or potentially allow more people in the party channel if only a smaller number is chatting. Stay tuned!

Q: Now that XBLA is not its own thing and games are simply games no matter how they're distributed, will digitally downloaded games release on Tuesdays, where XBLA titles hit on Wednesdays?

A: Games are games are games! You’ll see digital content flowing into the system constantly. We will continue to run different programs – like Summer of Arcade on Xbox 360 for instance – as well.

Source: [IGN]