March’s PS Plus games to be announced today

OlliOlli 2 to be one of the PS4 PS Plus games?

Today marks the first Tuesday of March 2015. Traditionally, this is the day when Sony sets loose its new lineup of free PlayStation Plus games — a list of games we usually know beforehand. This month, though, Sony is keeping things quiet, and it isn't just to tease us it seems.

Admittedly, we're not entirely sure what has caused the delay in revealing this months free PS Plus games, but last we heard Sony was still "finalizing details". That, of course, was three days ago, so you'd think the "contracts to be signed" would have been by now.

For what it's worth, both PlayStation Russian and PlayStation France tweeted yesterday that we should hear the lineup today. Typically, the PS Plus lineup is the same for Europe and North America, with only minor differences if any.

Since yesterday, we've also had some developments, possibly revealing one of the PS4 games we'll be getting this month. According to a tweet by David Turners, which contained an image of a trophy earned, OlliOlli 2: Welcome to Olliwood will be one of the PS4's free games.

OlliOlli 2 has already been confirmed as one of Japan's free PlayStation Plus games, but it remains to be seen if it'll also be included in Europe or North America.

For what it's worth, Roll7, which changed their Twitter handle to "Troll7", also confirmed OlliOlli 2 as a PS Plus game; but, again, it's unclear if they are referring to Japan only.

Hopefully the speculation ends soon because the suspense is killing me! Imagine if Sony waits until the first Tuesday of every month to reveal the PlayStation Plus lineup — pure chaos would ensue!