Mariah Carey’s Game of War commercial is here, and it’s not terrible

And then a Hero comes alonggggg....

TMZ has posted a new trailer for Machine Zone's Game of War — the first we've seen since the singer replaced model Kate Upton as the breasts face of the popular mobile game.

The new ad has much sillier premise than what we saw with the blatant sexualization of Kate Upton. It relies on the comedic effect of playing Carey's hit 1993 song "Hero" rather than her breasts, as Machine Zone did with Upton, to attract young male gamers. Machine Zone drew harsh criticism from our own Lance Liebl for their use of Upton's rack in the Game of War ads. I'm glad to see them take a different approach with Mariah Carey.

Check out the commercial below and let us know what you think in the comments.