Mark Hamill had his own version of how The Force Awakens should have ended

Not the first time he's had other ideas.

Mark Hamill's return as Luke Skywalker in The Force Awakens lasted little more than 30 seconds, but if he had it his way, Luke would have been in the movie sooner. In speaking with Fandango, Hamill commented on the fact that Luke, Han, and Leia never got a chance to reunite on screen as the series' most legendary trio, which he called "a great missed opportunity."

In some ways (many ways), he's right, and one particular quote of his is just so on the money, you just have to hear it from the man himself.

"For us, his wife, his best friend to witness. Instead of two characters that have known him, what, 20 minutes?"

There is so much win in that sentence; it's almost impossible to quantify. But I digress. Hamill later admits he had "so many terrible ideas" in his head about The Force Awakens, which never got taken into account. Then again, as an actor, and not a writer/director, he (probably) never had a prayer in being listened to anyway.

This is not the first time that Mark Hamill has had a different take on how a Star Wars film should have ended. He previously admitted that he pitched an evil Luke Skywalker for Return of the Jedi to George Lucas because that's the way he "thought it [the film] was going."

The moral of the story is that Mark Hamill is not afraid to think outside the box a little. While an early entrance for Skywalker in The Force Awakens kills the "we finally get to see Luke" drama, having him and Leia on hand to witness Han's death carries infinitely more emotional weight than Rey or Finn were capable of doing at that point.

Star Wars: Episode VIII: The Last Jedi releases in theaters on December 15th, 2017.

Source: [Fandango via GamesRadar]