The internet nearly melted when we learned that Star Wars episode 8 will be called The Last Jedi. Mark Hamill found out the name months ago, and surprisingly he didn't want to know.
Apparently, when Rian Johnson (director) told him the name of the title during filming, Hamill didn't want to know. He spoke with the Associated Press recently about his reaction on finding out.
"He told me that when we were making the movie and I said, 'Don't tell me these things. I talk in my sleep. They have us so jacked up with paranoia over leaks. But that's the way of the world. It's funny 'cause back when we were making the original nobody cared."
There is a certain irony to the fact that Hamill didn't want to know it was called The Last Jedi. We'll have to wait a while for a trailer as the film doesn't hit theaters until December 15th, 2017. That won't stop us from speculating what we can expect, however.
What do you think of the title? Let us know below.