Mark Hamill Reveals How Star Wars: The Force Awakens Almost Ended

The small change in the original ending of The Force Awakens probably would have changed The Last Jedi pretty significantly, or at least left a big hole in the plot.

Star Wars: The Force Awakens was a big hit a few years ago. It was the ending in particular that got many fans talking. Rey bringing the lightsaber to a hooded figure, holding it out for them to see, upon which they pull back the hood and reveal that they are none other than Jedi Master Luke Skywalker himself. Yeah, that scene. According to Mark Hamill, that scene was originally very different.

During an interview with M Time (translation by Digital Spy), Mark Hamill revealed what almost happened instead. “When we were doing [The Force Awakens], Rian said, ‘We might have boulders floating to show your Force emanating’, so I was led to believe that I still had the Force and it was really strong in me.”

Spoilers For The Last Jedi below!

Initially, this just seems like a small detail, but when the events of Star Wars: The Last Jedi are considered, it changes things pretty drastically. In the most recent film, Luke cuts himself off from the Force, ashamed of the betrayal of Ben Solo.

Rian Johnson decided not to go ahead with this ended, obviously. Hamill continues:

“When I read [The Last Jedi] before [The Force Awakens] came out, I said ‘what?!’ and called JJ or Rian Johnson to say, ‘Are you guys aware of this? Have you seen a cut? [Are] there floating boulders?’’ And they said, ‘No, we caught that and we worked it all out’.”

It may have been a minor change, but when linked to The Last Jedi, having Luke disconnected from the Force, in the beginning, allows his final scene to have much more impact. Plus, the original ending of Star Wars: The Force Awakens is now firmly planted as an icon, so good luck reimagining it.