Mark Hamill teases huge Star Wars: The Force Awakens secret

If he spills the beans, he doesn't get paid!

Not much is known about the Star Wars: The Force Awakens plot, but that's what makes the movie so enticing. Apparently, the film's major twist has been spoiled for at least one star, Mark Hamill AKA Luke Skywalker. According the actor, he's getting paid quite a bit of money to keep a secret and the secret is as big as Darth Vader revealing he's Luke's father.

"I have something coming out where there’s an amount of money that if it leaks, because of me, I don’t get that payment. If I keep it  a secret until the day it comes out. I get that payment." said Hamill to PC Gamer during an interview on Star Citizen. "I’m good about keeping secrets, I’m proud of the fact that I knew a year and a half before anybody else that he was actually dad Vader. I didn't even tell Harrison [Ford]."

"Now it’s happening all over again. I’m not even authorized to tell you I’m in Episode VII, it’s all secret."

Hamill broadened the subject from Star Citizen to talk about NDA's, thus leading to his comment on Episode VII and knowing a secret.

It's a good thing that Hamill is good at keeping secrets, otherwise the entire film would be spoiled for the community. On the other hand, saying that he knows a secret as big as the "I am your Father" line… That means that Hamill will probably be playing a role in that secret coming to light within the film. 

At least M. Night Shyamalan isn't the one in charge of the twist…