There's currently an Oscorp: Heroic story event taking place in Marvel Puzzle Quest which ends on January 21. If you achieve a certain rank in that event, you'll receive the newest character to join the game, Squirrel Girl.
Squirrel Girl is a Yellow, Purple, Green character, and her abilities are:
- The Bigger They Are (Yellow) – This ability makes Protect tiles that reduce enemy damage, but the tiles it makes are even stronger if the enemy has 80% or more of their health left.
- Nuts from Above (Purple) – Squirrel Girl leaps down from the trees onto her enemies, dealing some damage, but dealing a lot more damage for every Protect, Strike or Attack tile the enemy has.
- Furry Friends (Green) – Summons an army of squirrels to crawl up her enemy's pant legs and get all up in their business. Makes a few Countdown tiles that represent the squirrels causing chaos, blowing up a few random tiles every turn. Once the Countdown runs out, the squirrels swarm and deal a bunch of damage.
D3Publisher Game Designer Casey Malone took to to talk about the newest character. He said that "Squirrel Girl really shines when you can team her up with characters whose abilities have a downside of giving the enemy special tiles," or characters who can take advantage of the occasional match-5 or match-4 that happens due to a Cascade from Furry Friends.