Marvel Studios' film plans for their intergalactic team of alien descendants, The Inhumans, have officially been delayed. Originally slated for a November 2, 2018 release, the project has been pushed back to make room for Disney's new docket of movies coming in the next few years.
Marvel Studios' executive producer, Kevin Feige, had previously announced the full Marvel Cinematic Universe's Phase III line-up. However, since the deal made with Sony Pictures to share the film rights to the Spider-Man title, that particular line-up has been undergoing some renovations. Two new projects have been added to the series following Spider-Man's inaugural MCU appearance in next month's Captain America: Civil War: Ant-Man and the Wasp, scheduled for 2018, and the so far untitled Spider-Man solo film, scheduled to release 2017. Additionally, with the recent announcement of Indiana Jones 5 now in the works, the future of Disney's better known intellectual properties seems to be taking priority over the newcomers. Feige had this to say:
“Since we made our initial phase three announcement, we added Spider-Man, which was a big joyous coup for us. We added Ant-Man and the Wasp, which was a big fun continuation of that story for us. Walt Disney Company has announced an Indiana Jones film for right around that same time. So I think it will shuffle off the current date that it’s on right now,”
So far, the concept of "Inhumans" has been explored mostly on the hit ABC series, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Within the context of the MCU, the Inhumans have been manifesting all over the world, starting an arms race between the evil organization, Hydra, who want to use their power as a weapon, and S.H.I.E.L.D who want to aide and protect the newly emerging race. There has been no confirmation as to whether or not the story from the series will carry over to the films, but it may not be likely as the film will center specifically on the royal family of inhumans, lead by the powerful hero, Black Bolt.
Captain America: Civil War releases May 6, 2016
Untitled Spider-Man releases July 7, 2017
Ant-Man and the Wasp releases July 6, 2018
Indiana Jones 5 releases July 19, 2019