Mass Effect: Andromeda has begun search for voice cast

Who to cast... Who to cast?

We have seen plenty of behind-the-scenes motion capture shots for the upcoming Mass Effect game, but we haven't seen much in terms of gameplay for Mass Effect: Andromeda. It looks like we are one step closer to gameplay — BioWare has begun the search for voice actors.

Because motion capture footage for scenes have already played out, it looks like BioWare is taking the development in two phases; full-bodied actors playing out the scenes and voice actors having their facial expressions mapped and applied to existing characters (or something of that nature).

One thing's clear though, BioWare is serious when it comes to audio recording.

No actors have been announced for the game, but that doesn't mean we can't dream. When one fan suggested Kevin Spacey, BioWare's Senior Development Director replied, that Spacey wouldn't be happening – "he's a Call of Duty guy now." It seems as though almost every game these days requires that either Troy Baker or Nolan North play a role in the game… Maybe Andromeda will break that trend and hire Peter Dinklage like Bungie did (then replace him with Nolan North, again like Bungie).

Who would you cast in Mass Effect: Andromeda?