Mass Effect creator BioWare takes audio recording very seriously

A video from BioWare reveals how they get such accurate sound effects

It’s clear that the entire team at BioWare, throughout making great series like Dragon Age, and Mass Effect, have managed to retain their sense of humor. Never was that more clear than when BioWare released this little gem of a video. In it, some of the employees from BioWare’s audio team explain how they love using the real deal for capturing sound.

While playing around with tanks, rocket launchers, and M8 Avengers all day sounds like great fun, it’s important to remember the golden rule of, “Safety first.” This is what Cody taught us, and he will be remembered for it…

In other news, it’s painfully apparent that Mass Effect: Andromeda will have some fantastically accurate sound effects! Mass Effect: Andromeda is slated to release sometime during the holiday season of 2016. And it’s obvious that the BioWare team is hard at work making it as great as possible.

[BioWare Blog]