Maybe the PS4 should become the ‘entertainment hub’

Market research firm Nielson has revealed more PlayStation 3 users have actually taken advantage of their console's video-on-demand/streaming services than Xbox 360, a shocking conclusion given Microsoft's clear intent to turn their console into more of an entertainment hub with the ability to play games. 

PS3 users have spent a staggering 24% of their console time streaming content in 2012, up from 15% during the prior year. Meanwhile, Xbox 360 users have actually decreased the amount of tiime streaming content, 13% down from 14% the prior year. Furthermore, PlayStation 3 owners have spent an additional 18% of their time watching Blu-Rays or DVDs. Though this is a 4% decrease over last year, it's still 9% higher than that of Xbox 360 owners. And while Xbox 360 owners spend more time watching downloaded movies and TV shows (by only 3%), PS3 owners make up for it by using more of their console time for other purposes like listening to music or using the internet.

Maybe Sony should rethink their games-first strategy with the PS4…naaaaah. Give us the exclusives and the ability to watch movies — for free with PSN, might I add.

The information collected by Nielson was gathered in October 2011 and October 2012 from a survey of 2,500+ general poplation consumers in the U.S. Check out Nielson for the full breakdown.

[Image: PlayStation Blog]