Mega Man 10 Boss Video Walkthrough

March 11, 2010

Mega Man 10 Boss Video Walkthrough

In our latest video, GameZone walks you through
those hard and often frustrating Mega Man 10 boss battles, and gives tips on how
to easily get past them, minus the headaches, or broken controllers.

Though Mega Man is known for its clever and sometimes ridiculously extravagant
stage design, the bosses send fans in a fit of rage against their poor
controllers, due to their difficulty spike. We take you through a step-by-step
walkthrough of which boss to start with, and which one to end with. Because each
boss has a certain weakness against the power-ups Mega Man obtains through
defeating the bosses, they are much easier to kill, and noticeably take more
damage. Each boss also has a set pattern that they follow religiously, so it
helps to memorize each bosses move patterns to take the least amount of damage

Once all the regular bosses are taken care of efficiently, the game throws Mega
Man’s old bosses at him when entering Dr. Wily’s Castle. Though not in
their true robot form, they rather take on an image on the top of the screen,
and then the player is attacked by cubes that take on the powers of the
respective boss.

Though they are from past games, they do share weaknesses for the weapons in
this game and we walk you through which weapon is the best to use.


Make sure to check back on for more upcoming video walkthroughs and