Surprise b*tch, I bet you thought you saw the last of Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance.
You haven't, it's making it's debut on Mac's today! All you Mac gamers can go grab a copy of the game right now on the Mac App Store at $29.99. You get a $5 discount until September 30th, so grab it before that discount expires! Don't like the Mac App Store? That's ok! The game is also available on Steam.
Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance ​was pretty popular so it's about time it made its way to the Mac.
Want to know about the games story? Here's the from description from the developer:
METAL GEAR RISING: REVENGEANCE, originally developed by Kojima Productions and Platinum Games, expands the METAL GEAR franchise into exciting new territory with its frenetic action experience. The game seamlessly melds pure action and cinematic storytelling that surrounds Raiden, a child soldier transformed into a half-human, half-cyborg ninja, who uses his high-frequency katana blade to cut through anything that stands in his vengeful path.

There you have! Go pick it up!
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