Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes Review Round-up

So Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes released today for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox 360, PS3, and PC. The subject of much debate, whether about the length, the replacement of David Hayter with Kiefer Sutherland, or the interesting release format Konami chose to go with (a two-part series for Metal Gear Solid 5, where Ground Zeroes serves as a prequel to The Phantom Pain).

With the game now out in the wild, many of these debates can be settled. The reviews are pouring in and while ours is coming soon, here's what others around the internet have to say:

Kotaku – Yes

"Still, as small dishes go, Ground Zeroes is a tasty one, and it's been a long time since the last course. It'll tide us over, for now."

IGN – 8/10

"Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes is a short but challenging game, and those willing to cast aside conventional expectations will find a lot more here than first glance might suggest."

Game Informer – 7/10

"Even for longtime fans of the Metal Gear franchise, Ground Zeroes may not be worth playing."

Eurogamer – 9/10

"As a precursor to Phantom Pain, it suggests that greatness awaits, but even on its own terms Ground Zeroes is something special."

Gamespot – 8/10

"There's some fat to savor here, hints of what's to come in the next chapter of Metal Gear Solid V, but once you've digested the cutscenes that bookend the main mission, it's a pure gameplay-driven experience from then on out."

Joystiq – 3.5/5

"Too good to be a cash-in, too calculated to be satisfying and too intriguing to spurn, Ground Zeroes is a fiscal test of patience."

Stay tuned for our review of Metal Gear Solid 5: Ground Zeroes, coming later today.