Metroid Prime: Federation Force announced for 3DS, includes Metroid Prime: Blast Ball

Nintendo tricked us

It turns out that not all was what it seemed when Nintendo's futuristic sports game was revealed last week during Nintendo World Championships 2015.

Previously revealed only as Blast Ball, Nintendo's E3 Digital Event confirmed that the generic name was in fact a subtitle for what is a game existing in the Metroid Prime universe. Metroid Prime: Blast Ball will be a component of a larger game called Metroid Prime: Federation Force, in which players complete missions in co-operative fashion with up to four players. Whether this includes online multiplayer or not remains to be seen. In either case, this all exists in the Metroid Prime universe, despite what the mechs and the apparent lack of Samus may indicate.

Given that they pulled a fast one on us already, Nintendo likely has some more surprises in store for Metroid Prime: Federation Force.