Activision has released a new trailer for TMNT: Out of the Shadows, the upcoming third-person brawler based on the Nickelodeon animated series. The video shows off the youngest, most agile member of the half-shell heroes: Michelangelo. This nunchaku-wielding turtle may be a "party animal," but as you'll soon see in the video, he doesn't mess around when it comes to fighting for the cause.
Michelangelo possesses the highest attack speed of any of the Turtles, but also has the lowest single target damage rating. He relies on his ability to evade damage and quickly build up combos and special moves to take down foes.
TMNT: Out of the Shadows is due this summer on PC, Xbox LIVE Arcade, and PlayStation Network. It's being developed by Red Fly Studios, the team behind the Wii port of Ghostbusters.