Nintendo may want to take a step back and re-evaluate its marketing team. During a recent White House Christmas lunch for military families, the First Lady was honestly at a loss when one of the children told her that he wanted a Wii U for Christmas. You know, it's only the hottest consoles to hit the market this year!
I recognize Michelle Obama is a pretty busy lady, but you'd think she'd be up to speed on major electronics like the Wii U — especially as a mother of two. Rather than criticize her, though, Nintendo should look in the mirror.
There are PLENTY of busy parents just like Michelle Obama who may not have time to read about all the latest toys. It's your job to make sure they are informed about the hottest toys and electronics this Holiday season, the Wii U being one of them. I bet Mrs. Obama knows plenty about the iPad or Kindle Fire.
The kids seem to do a pretty good job of explaining it, some might argue even better than Nintendo of America's Reggie Fils-Aime, but ultimately the parents need to have a clue. They are the ones with the money; they are the ones that need to be informed. Learn from this, Nintendo!